Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The daily dose... [on motivating oneself]

How do I work? I know there is lot of work to be done.. but somehow the clock keeps ticking.. and I am not able to accomplish any thing much..

I agree with the 20/80 rule which says that the 80% of your productive work come from the 20% of your time..

Here is a way… so what will be 20% of 24hrs ? Ans= 4.8 hours…

So now.. just focus on getting the most done in these 4 hrs 48 minutes.. I will go easy and give you 48 minutes off…

So now just focus on getting the most done in the 4 hours… good..

48 minutes …. To organize n prepare n plan…

28 minutes = sit in a quiet place and try to focus your being .. mentally try to evaluate the reasons of what you are and why you are doing what you are doing .. and where is it going to lead….and what is the current situation.. [if its from scratch.. even better.. have a white paper] In a nut shell.. try to motivate yourself and build up concentration for better clarity of the goals..

10 minutes = write on paper what all you want to do today…: then prioritize tasks!.. have a timer on at all times..

10 minutes is the preptime.. gather your material.. and evaluate the plan of action and accordingly proceed further of reevaluate your plan.

Now start to time yourself.. and you are ready to go.. and ... you are ready to focus on the work at hand for then next 4 hours.

Studies have shown.. that maintain a 50 minute attention spans .. then take a 10 minute break… so basically .. you have to work for only 3 hours 20 minutes only.. in a day..

Hows that??

Try it… and let me know

You will have to do the whole exercise in one sitting with minimum distractions.. no email or phone calls.. everything can wait and be rescheduled. For sometime later in the rest of the day no?

Keep up the practice.. do this for 1 week you will start to feel the difference… provided.. you are able to maintain 3hr20 minutes of undivided attention to the task at hand!... not even thoughts of other things..or what you could be doing has to be just you and your work..

Keep Working!

Make it a part of your daily dose.. :-)


Anonymous said...

good hai!

Anonymous said...

sachi good hai!
hope u too working on it!
thanks for the tip-of taking break:-)