Tuesday, August 29, 2006
On Nuclear Missiles... no offense meant..
The author(s) absolve themselves of any legal liability to the content posted.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Wishes.. Ego.. n Confusion...
Life takes twists and turns, we meet and interact with so many people… but only a few are able to accompany us .. every now and then our life takes a sudden twist.. we meet new people and loose contact with a few ones… why? .. is it because our bonds were weak? Or that our desires to be with each other were meek?.. or was it simply destiny.. ya.. its destiny that will bring two people together and tear them apart.. and then destiny again that brings back long lost friends and loved ones together again.
In all our relations .. let there be no ego’s involved.. fortunately for me.. I don’t suffer from an ego syndrome.. but a confusion syndrome.. it is an acute disease.. where I am sometimes not able to understand, interpret or comprehend the subtle signals conveyed by others through their behavior towards me. I don’t brood over things or think too much.. on the ordinary things.. but then occasionally I get inflected with the confusion virus and it will only take its own due course of time to get clarity to surface.
Wishes are few, ego is submerged to some limits.. and confusion is surrounding me.. the fear of being not wanted and not even having a clue about it makes me nervous… I am and will be here only… but.. if you are not too sure .. its better to move on.. will be doing each other a favor.. I give 100%.. and expect nothing less..and leave the ego’s out when you enter my sanctuary.. I have had more than my share of half hearted friendships..being in the group .. the “in feeling” friends.. bus.. I am better off by myself than having fair weather friends… they are just people.. aquaintances.. but true friends.. no matter the distance, no matter the circumstances are there for me as I try for them… and I am fortunate in having them.. they are worth.. more to me .. cuz they are rare gems that came to me and made my life richer and so much better.. Thank you .. for being a source of inspiration.. for supporting me.. advising me.. guiding me the right way…for pointing out my mistakes..scolding me.. fighting with me.. manaofying me… for watching out for me.. for accepting me the way I am ...for even putting up with me in my sullen moods and joyous moods.. for being there for me always …you make my life beautiful each day.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Can you believe it...
Can you believe it.. I have been spamming my own blog!... its pathetic.. For those who read my blogs regularly will find that of late I have been using this word very generously all over.
I apologize, but I have a very limited vocabulary. I did try to cram up the GRE word list at some point of time in my life, but that was loooong ago and I didn’t really have much success in that arena. Just so you know. What ever extra complex-complicated words I had managed to retain till the exam was over, got trashed out due to neglect and misuse from my side.
I did want to write and express myself better, however I don’t feel comfortable pouring out everything here, and then there is so much to pour and with the rich observations and opinions I have. I get hard to concentrate and focus on a single topic at hand. I am an idea hopper. Some times I get these brilliant ideas n thought waves, and get this overpowering feeling to scribble something and come out with a masterpiece. In midway, I change directions and start thinking of other things, totally loosing track of original ideas.
Just now I felt that I should not be selfish in what I write.. (which is nothing but I me myself and my thoughts, how I feel.. blah blah..) I should focus on things outside of my poor uninteresting life or atleast make efforts to make it interesting..lol..Okay, for one thing I need to improve upon the irritating dot dot dot that to me feels like as if my brain is processing some thought to be put down here in an understandable format. It’s just an irritating thought gap, and I feel that I should try to express myself better and present you all with some better writings in the future.
The key concern is that I really don’t have much to say at this point, anyways I don’t have anything interesting to talk about either. I am not an avid sports fan or interested in politics or weather. So what can I write about?
I want to post something, and the easiest thing that I find is cut copy n paste some info, and spam my own blog.
I haven’t been reading really good articles lately but I have found that I have improved a little in my professional email communications. However, my vocal-verbal communication and understanding skills are still quite challenged at this point of time. I can’t talk with vendors as naturally as conversation comes to some of my fellow colleagues. I have to experience some really embarrassing silences where I am busy searching my brain to come up with the correct inoffensive phraseology.I don't have anything to contribute in any conversation. Sometimes the conversation topics run into areas like pets and I can think of nothing but how I got bitten by mamaji dog "moti" when I was 6 years old and got smotherd by cats when I was 26yrs old. But I am learning and practice makes a person perfect. Till date I have literally massacred a few names verbally and in writing. Totally screwed up a key meeting; even though I had been thorough in my homework, I could not communicate my brilliant ideas. For some reason I think my proff is pissed off at me;( I have very highily developed sixth sense and power of intuition; I don't boast on this, but what i predict usually comes true and has completely pissed off a few ppl, who thought I was being a "know-it-all", so I am still in the process of learning to stop myself from gushing, and I get impatient..Now!..I will blame my mercurial disposition to the stars) and to make matters worse I have not been able to put in as much time as I should in on the res software as I said I would. I was thinking how I am going to look after I went back. To make matters worse, what will I be going back to? This is heaven compared to that hell. All this has had me worried and thinking and evaluating me against my performance. I find that there is a lot that I could be doing and have not been doing, I need additional motivation and support from all of you to help me go on. Please remain in touch no matter how busy you all are or how occupied with the tasks.
Keep the connection and communication open.
Can you believe it.. I have hit half century with this entry in my blog!..
Monday, August 21, 2006
Cancer update -- Johns Hopkins
1. No plastic containers in micro.
2. No water bottles in freezer.
3. No plastic wrap in microwave.
Dioxin chemicals causes cancer, especially breast cancer.
Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic.
He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body.
Instead, he recommends using glass, such as
He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.
Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.
Cover food with a paper towel instead.
This is an article that should be sent to
everyone !
Saturday, August 19, 2006
.. some random blogs.. i viewed
... out of the 50..i clicked... here are a few..
Aap ke liye.. khaas … blogs to check outt..
… nice interesting blog.. didn’t get a chance to go through it all but was nice….
http://lorr-lorr.blogspot.com/ …. A musical blog.. didn’t read it.. but check it out for me..
http://trippingonwords.blogspot.com/ .. seems very interesting travlouge.. check out…
http://aleydis.blogspot.com/ …
… I was not in the mood to write anything.. but wanted to share this information.. I am sure everyone is doing good and working hard..
Good Luck!
Procrastination is the thief of time. –Edward Young (1683-1765)
Procrastination is a complex psychological behavior that affects everyone to some degree or another. With some it can be a minor problem; with others it is a source of considerable stress and anxiety. Procrastination is only remotely related to time management, (procrastinators often know exactly what they should be doing, even if they cannot do it), which is why very detailed schedules usually are no help.
The procrastinator is often remarkably optimistic about his ability to complete a task on a tight deadline; this is usually accompanied by expressions of reassurance that everything is under control. (Therefore, there is no need to start.) For example, he may estimate that a paper will take only five days to write; he has fifteen days; there is plenty of time; no need to start. Lulled by a false sense of security, time passes. At some point, he crosses over an imaginary starting time and suddenly realizes, "Oh no! - I am not in control! There isn't enough time!"
At this point, considerable effort is directed towards completing the task, and work progresses. This sudden spurt of energy is the source of the erroneous feeling that "I only work well under pressure." Actually, at this point you are making progress only because you haven't any choice. Your back is against the wall and there are no alternatives. Progress is being made, but you have lost your freedom.
Barely completed in time, the paper may actually earn a fairly good grade; whereupon the student experiences mixed feelings: pride of accomplishment (sort-of), scorn for the professor who cannot recognize substandard work, and guilt for getting an undeserved grade. But the net result is reinforcement: the procrastinator is rewarded positively for his poor behavior. ("Look what a decent grade I got after all!") As a result, the counterproductive behavior is repeated over and over again.
Positive reinforcement for delay (a good grade) is a principal contributor to continued procrastination.
Other Characteristics
- Low Self-Confidence - The procrastinator may struggle with feelings of low self-confidence and low self-esteem. He may insist upon a high level of performance even though he may feel inadequate or incapable of actually achieving that level.
- I'm Too Busy - Procrastination may be used to call attention to how busy he is. "Obviously I cannot do such and such because my affairs are so complicated and so demanding. That is why I am late, etc." The procrastinator may even spend considerable time justifying his reasons; time that could be spent doing the work.
- Stubbornness - Procrastination may be used as an expression of stubbornness or pride: "Don't think you can push me around. I will do it when I'm good and ready."
- Manipulation - Procrastination may be used to control or manipulate the behavior of others. "They cannot start if I am not there." Let's face it: deliberate delay drives others crazy.
- Coping with Pressures - Procrastination is often truly difficult to eradicate since the delay behavior has become a method of coping with day-to-day pressures and experiences. Obviously if one is cured, others will put new demands and expectations upon you. It's easier to have an excuse, to delay, to put off.
- A Frustrated Victim - The procrastinator often feels like a victim: he cannot understand his behavior or why he cannot get work done like others. The whole thing is a frustrating mystery. The reasons for his behavior are hidden from him.
Benefits of Overcoming Procrastination
What are the overcoming procrastination benefits of? Peace of mind, a feeling of strength and purpose, and healthy feeling of being in charge of your life. While procrastination makes you feel weak, useless, and helpless, taking charge of your life will make you feel strong, competent, and capable. You will experience increased personal freedom!
Four Simple Reasons for Procrastination
- Difficult - the task seems hard to do; we naturally tend to avoid difficult things in favor of those which seem easy to us.
- Time-consuming - the task will take large blocks of time, and large blocks of time are unavailable until the weekend.
- Lack of knowledge or skills - no one wants to make mistakes, so wait until you learn how before you start.
- Fears - everyone will know how you screwed up.
The simple cure? Do everything opposite. Tell yourself: this isn't so hard, it won't take long, and I am sure that I know how to do it, or that I can learn while I'm doing it. And no one else really cares because they are all so busy with their own problems.
Four Complex Reasons for Procrastination
- Perfectionism - unrealistically high expectations or standards. Everything must go completely right. It may either imposed or self-imposed. The perfectionist is long on criticism and short on praise.
- It creates a high degree of dissatisfaction and frustration because seldom is anything accomplished that is completely acceptable the very first time. The perfectionist nit-picks it to death.
- A perfectionist may delay in starting a project because he feels overwhelmed by the sheer amount of energy it will take to criticize and nit-pick something, and all the frustration it will generate in the process.
- The words should, ought, must, have to, occur frequently in the person's conversation. (I should get straight A's; I must do everything right the first time, etc.) "If you can't do it right, don't do it at all."
- The desire to have everything absolutely perfect may mask problems of self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Anger/Hostility - if we are unhappy with someone, we'll often withhold our best efforts. For example, if you are upset with a professor, you are likely to delay in starting a demanding project as a way of "getting even." But you are the one who loses; you are the one with the low grade.
- Low Frustration Tolerance - circumstances overwhelm you easily; you find situations radically intolerable and terribly unfair. Frustration is characterized by whining and complaining, and such phrases as "it isn't fair," "this is too hard," and "no one else has to," etc. Feeling the way you do, it seems reasonable to "put it off" until you feel better about doing the work. The trouble is, you feel just as frustrated the next day.
- Self-Downing - this happens when you continually minimize your own skills and abilities and express doubt about your ability to succeed. A person who habitually puts himself down tends to disbelieve himself even when he is successful: it was "just dumb luck." In addition, he may also find it hard to accept praise and compliments for work performed - false modesty. ("Wow, you did so well on the exam!" "Oh, I just lucked out; I really didn't know it all that well.")
How to resolve: (1) try self-reassurance that this effort or version will be good enough, (2) make an effort to praise what you have done, (3) it's impossible to eradicate all mistakes, and (4) you have undoubtedly found all the fatal errors by now. Finally, remind yourself that great writers, poets, artists at one time or another completed their work; therefore, it will be okay to say that yours is done also.
How to resolve: Determine that you are the one who is feeling upset and see how your actions will actually harm you in the long run. You are not going to let how you feel about a particular class stand in the way of your personal future, are you?
How to resolve: the more you want something and can't have it, the greater your level of frustration. (1) Get help from someone who can show you how to solve the problem; (2) learn how to temporarily postpone your desires. Most of the time, you will eventually get what you want.
The trouble with self-downing is that, given a long enough time, the person will actually come to believe that he is incapable of certain levels of achievement.
Self-downing results in procrastination because the person who is uncomfortable with success will seek ways to become less successful and less visible. Turn in that important quarterly report late, and soon success will fade. ("Why did they fire you?" "I told them all along I couldn't sustain the pace, and see! I was right. I can't work at that level.")
How to resolve: (1) practice accepting compliments about your work performance by simply saying "Thank you." (2) Figure out why you feel uncomfortable with success. Did significant others in your life often make you feel that way? Were you taught to minimize your success? Why is success so scary? Will it make you stand out in the crowd? Do you feel as though others will not accept you if you are successful? (3) Remember to compliment and praise yourself for work accomplished.
The Inner Workings of Procrastination
A = Activating Event. The activating event is whatever you are putting off, such as studying, tests or unpleasant tasks.
B = Belief System. These are your "hidden" feelings about the task; your feelings govern your motivation. If you have negative feelings, you will tend to put off or delay. These feelings control your response.
C = Consequence. This is what we actually do. There are two approaches: rational and irrational. A rational response is "I don't like writing papers at all, but I had better get going on it anyway." An irrational approach is "I hate writing papers, and even though it's due next week, I'll start it later."
The fact is, all tasks are really neutral. Examine your belief system, understand why you dislike the task, and then change your way of thinking.
Steps to the Cure
1. Realize you are delaying something unnecessarily.
2. Discover the real reasons for your delay. List them.
3. Dispute those real reasons and overcome them. Be vigorous.
4. Begin the task.
Practice What You've Learned
- Think of one thing you are currently procrastinating in, and write it on the line below. It might be personal, school or work-related.
- Now write all the reasons for your delay. This may take five or ten minutes because some of them are really hidden from you. These reasons are the controlling influences. Write down as many as possible.
- In the "Arguments Against Delay" column, argue against all the reasons for delay in a convincing manner. If you can argue against them successfully, you will be able to start the task.
I'm delaying on ____ because
Reasons for Delay Arguments Against Delay
1. ____________________ ______________________
2. ____________________ _____________________
3. ____________________ _____________________
4. _____________________ _____________________
Some Tools That Will Help
- Make the tasks look small and easy in your mind. ("I've written lots of excellent papers; this is just one more paper.")
- Do only a small part of the task each time. ("I'll just check out the books tonight. Later on, I'll glance through them.")
- Five-minute plan: Work on something for just five minutes. At the end of five minutes, switch to something else if you want. Chances are, you'll get involved enough to keep going.
- Advertise your plans to accomplish something, and let peer pressure push you forward. ("I told everyone that I was going to finish this tonight.")
- Use a good friend as a positive role model. If you have trouble concentrating, study in the presence of someone who doesn't.
- Modify your environment - if you can't study at home, find a place where you can study; or, change your study situation at home.
- Plan tomorrow and establish priorities - some students find that simply writing down reasonable starting and stopping times help them get going.
- Expect some backsliding. Don't expect to be perfect even when you're trying to get rid of perfectionism! So occasionally, your plans will not work. Accept setbacks and start again.
An Insight
Procrastination is reinforcing - every time you delay, it reinforces your negative attitude toward that task. Every time you put off something you dislike, you:
- strengthen the habit of not doing;
- practice avoidance instead of participation;
- avoid acquiring training and skills, and
- indoctrinate yourself with fears.
Active participation in anything tends to give you a positive attitude toward that activity; inactivity helps acquire an unfavorable attitude. In other words, the reason you dislike calculus is because it's hanging over your head, worrying you. Since you haven't acquires skills in it, you can't do the assignments, so why try? Also, there's a test coming up soon, and you MUST do well on it -- except you know you can't. Suddenly everything seems terribly unfair (class is too hard) and you become angry towards the teacher (he goes too fast, and he seems indifferent to my struggles.) The truth is, the sooner you get involved in your studies, the better you will feel.
Common Impediments to Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination is relatively hard to overcome since you can delude yourself about it so easily. The following is a list of things we often tell ourselves:
- Mañana - "I'll do it tomorrow."
- Contingent mañana - "I'll do it tomorrow, if ..."
- Grasshopperism - "I need to have some well-earned fun first." (In sop's fable, the grasshopper fiddled and played all summer while the ants stored up winter supplies. When winter came, the grasshopper suffered.)
- Escapism - "I've got to get out for a while to clear my mind."
- Impulsiveness - "My problem will be solved if I change my major, or attend a different college, or "
- Music and reading - "I'll relax a while and then get started."
- Cavalry to the Rescue - "The professor will get sick and cancel finals!"
Common Rationalizations
Each of these rationalizations needs to be argued against and defeated so that you can experience success. Write a rebuttal for each one.
- "I'm more productive when I work under pressure, so I'm postponing all my work until the pressure builds up and then I'll get it done easily."
- "I don't know how to do this problem, so I'm waiting until I know how before I do it."
- "This task isn't getting done because I really don't want to do it. And that's the honest truth"
- "Relax. The world isn't going to come to an end if this doesn't get done."
- "This job is easier to do when I'm in the mood, and I'm simply not in the mood right now."
- "I waited until the last moment before and it worked out okay, so why not this time?"
- "If I wait until the last minute, I won't spend so much time on it."
- "If I do this work right now, I'll miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime social event."
- "Circumstances beyond my control prevented me from doing so."
- "I've worked on this for so long that I have no interest or energy for it."
Now that you understand how procrastination works, and how you can greatly reduce its influence in your life, you'll experience more freedom and greater personal self-satisfaction.
Keep working on it. You may still procrastinate, but now you'll be able to resolve the situation much more quickly, which in turn will enhance your feelings of self-confidence. When you do succeed, take time to savor the moment so you will remember how good it feels. This will help the next time you need encouragement.
Treat the discovery process like a game, and have some fun with yourself.
Burka, Jane B., and Yuen, Lenora M. Procrastination. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1983.
Ellis, Albert, and Knaus, William J. Overcoming Procrastination. New York: Signet Books, 1977.
... very good link.... to check out more..
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Upon introspection...
This weekend I attended an Akhand Paath Ceremony. I have been a little disillusioned lately with life in general and last Friday I was down in the ditches. It has been starting since the past week. The work schedule is practically nothing. All the projects I was working on have been closed or I have been asked to wind up.
There have been lot of meeting and presentations by top notch vendors in the industry, lot of free food and free stuff. But something isn’t feeling right to me.. My supervisor, is ignoring me… I mean.. I was sent away on a tour, when the Big Boss was coming over.. could it be because they did not want my voice to be heard?? Could there be any other reasons?...
welcome to the world of professionalism!.. ha ha.. Okay.
time is valuable. i just want to feel useful..for the time spent.. I also need to get something done. Its been one month and I feel I am simply squandering time resource here.. just to walk up in the office each day and do nothing.. drink coffee.. sit at the pc.. browse on it.. look up some system.. seems like a royal waste to me… attend meetings… feel dumb and steupid… ppl if they need my help in something… being refused / assigned some office boy jobs… feeling even more stupid..
Things need to change!.. this is not how I will take it. ... Okay, I think its time to make some noise. Which I am going to make.. and soon.
To top it all my fee waivers have been revoked!.. misery amplification… no matter how much I try to save up.. I have nothing left in the end.. there was this very interesting thought.. that somhow stuck in my head, the fundamental that our guru’s coached us… the fundamental of tith . ... Do you set aside a 10th portion of your income each month for human causes.. seva.. donation?? …
When I first started getting some finances of my own.. I did have this generous thought.. but those time my tith money used to be about 10 rs… these days. My tith money.. if I am truly honest.. is 60$ a week.. but my expenses, total to about 50$ a week… so high, I reason..that I am barely able to make ends meet.. I have my reasons and sound justifications for not tithing.. I don’t want my money to go into the personal pocket of some oily rich krah prasaad eating jathedaar! Or some political propagandist!!!
I want my khoon paseene ki kamai to help feed the needy and the hungry… in the langar, or clothe some one.. that is where I would be wiling to donate. Yesterday, at this Akandpaath, I was telling you at the begining… there was this “Sant Babaji”… they were from some famous place n name.. which really dosen’t matter to me.. their talk and all was mighty impressive, the bottom line was sales.. at a point he felt like a salesman to me…a religious marketeer... pls pardon my blasphemeous musings.. but that was the bottom line.. they had a jatha.. they had built gurudawara’s .. now they were set on building schools.. babaji is aged and have been touring the US since the last 32 yrs… and .. they wanted the donations.. to build schools… hey, I am not criticizing.. or anything.. we can look at this.. if we want to get something done..its a good just cause.. and we don’t have all the financial resources.. we need a banker right?.. so we sell our ideas to others.. those who are impressed with that thought can be persuaded to back us?.. it can be in any thing right.. think of college.. a few ppl have this idea that.. they are not in a mood to attend the class.. Reason could vary from boredom.. to the teacher being not a good communicator.. or the subject being tedious.. or mood na hona.. and what do we do.. we talk to the fellow classmates. And try to rub on the similar thoughts.. ki chaad yaar.. bahut laa layeeaan classaan ajj nahi laani.. teacher is also requested sometimes… ki pls… ajj rehn do sir/ maam… ajj mood nahi ae.. yaar.. we go maas cut.. bunk.. he he…. Fun fun!.. by the way.. while we were at college.. we also discussed the possibilities of starting our own enterprise... joint ownership company.. which never came to anything but ideal discussions at the time we were searching for jobs.. at the end of final year.. but.. may be now that all of us are more experienced and knowledgeable... may be i will rope up the fellows to know how they feel about that...
So everyone has been a salesman at somepoint or the other… we sell ideas… somewhere, some ideas reap profits and become exemplary ... ideas rule the world!... would you care to share any of ur ideas?.. and may be we can discuss how we can make it profitable?... its an idea too.. ;-)
I was surprised… at the idea of medical tourism.. what the heck is that?? Was my first query.. my informer said.. its 1 million $ business now.. with a potential of rising to a billion… I just mean to stress… is the ideas.. and the concept… and the application.. that is the name of the game.. if you have an idea write it down.. sometimes our ideas could be as silly and dumb.. but there is always someone who has the capacity and the skill to get it cashed.. it may not be us..but someone we know… seek those folks to get them encashed, and ofcourse its hard work.. but then.. it could be your baby project… one more thing… why do we have the set stereotype thinging…. Get somethinking done.. out of the box.. each one of us some brilliant thoughts and ideas.. but we lack the drive and spirit to get it into action… it feels like its gonna take too much effort…
I know there have been 3 ideas jumping in this writing of mine.. but. I don’t know… one of these days I might go back to India.. cuz that is the place where there is lot of potential.. from my limited understanding…the ppl from the south don’t settle down in this country.. they come here get education.. go back and start their own businesses.. why can’t we… ? hey its not that I want to go back or anything.. to me.. my personal choice is family first… where ever they are or they want to be.. but that does not prevent me from being objective… and rational… why are the Punjabi folks so set up in the stereotypes… why not change ourselves and our thinking.. we are farmers.. have you met farmers in the US.. .they are smart educated MBA’s they are businessmen.. here… why are .. you folks selling all ther assets at home to settle in a country that can never be your own… cuz heart of hearts.. you know.. you are an Indian and a punjabi… be mobile.. be entrepreneurial… don’t slave off your life at someone else’s beck and call.. have you ever put in that many hours at work while you were in India.. here you make do with less than 3 hours of sleep!.. to get the work done… oh.. we blame on the system… power failure.. and all that … but I will say one thing… “Where there is a will, There is a way”…. Criticism is always easy… koi effort nahi lagta…but just think for a while, instead of slaving your whole life in another country, where even if you die.. they want you to make arrangements for your funeral before you die..… it was pathetic watching this advertisement from a funeral home.. A while back there was a news of this couple dying of pneumonia.. cuz they were old and not able to pay for the power bill and they had no heating in their house for a week... the kids live some place away... the old coupIe have no one to get them grossaries.. I been on the buses.. I seen folks at walmart.. its really pathetic.. these folks are hardworking, very independent folks.. but they are aged... in their 80's... I felt pity,.. our elders are so well cared for... but then again i also have witnessed.. grandpa's and grand ma's being assigned the roles of aayah's of the kids.. baby sitters... or care takers of such big mansions in India... being fed at the mercy of the servants.. and having their throats split... ludhiana had so many cases..to boast off.... why cant we adopt all the good things from this sytem.. be better ourselves.. and reject the not so good ones.. why do we want to copy the fads.. and waste so much time on stuff.. I will agree i am in a wierd mood... I am being revolutionary... I am no one to pass judgement.. but I will not do that to my parents or my elders... havent they done enough.. reared us taken care of us.. made food for us... catered to our whims and wishes... its a shame... and pathetic...but getting parents as caretakers for the kids is very pathetic... pls just think... what ever goes forth comes back... so I would like to make everyone aware.. that we do have to pay all our loans and debts in this life time...so be cautiously aware of what we are subjecting to the others... and also be aware.. that there is a responsibility to our parents... don't get too stuck in superficial monetary worlds.. yeh sab to moh maaya ka janjaal hai..that is so temporary and seasonal.. as fashion..fads… have you ever noticed, .. the impression of scerenity and grace in a makeup free face… have you ever witnessed the noor on the face of a saint.. I can tell you I have… and I have seen some so called “babe”.. sangat coming from all over for their word.. and the babe di beebi.. running an oriflamme di franchise… what a disillusion!.. these occourances.. make me lol!.. and disgust me thoroughly.. and .. well.. I am not against religion or anything… I am just more spiritual than religious.. it just so happens that I am familiar to my religion from birth.. just that.. and since it’s the most recent version of all the religions.. it’s the most updated version to follow as well.. its relatively bug free.. unless we try to make it so.. it’s the most flexible by far and out.
Main v kal di katha di tarah “got carried away ho gayee”.. waada ghaate bull chukk maaf karni.. sarbat de kaaraj raas karne.. saare
Bolo “Sat Nam!”
Waise kal .. ek bahut wadeeya gall suni.. keha gaya ki kadi.. thori seva v parwaan ho jaandi ae.. te kadi bahuti di v sunvaaee nahi hundee”.. I was able to relate it to the efforts and results.. sometimes.. I get credits for something I didn’t slave on.. and get no credit for somethings. That I have been working deligently on..for months.. .. and I can think of so many other similies as well…
.. Anyways.. everything in this world tends to attain a balance… all the reactions will proceed till equilibrium, ice cream mix has to be balanced for a good product.. all the flavor and inclusions included… the emotions needs to be balanced.. nature’s imbalances causes misery.. so the operative word for this writing should be balance…
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
End of a dragging saga....confusion and formal words
“Thank you for your time”. …
I am sorry, I forgot to thank so many ppl for their time and when .. some one said that… I felt.. like… what is it supposed to mean?.. in what sense.. is it a sincere compliment or an indication in a negative sense…end of story..I am in a confusion.. which is not really a confusion… as I am not really sure but I am more inclined to think on the negative side..
American language is so polite… words in this language will be feeding you to the dogs but the same words will have many meanings and could be interpreted in a plethora of versions.. … that poor confusion prone me ..has become confused… have to spend some time revolving the words in my head .. just in order to understand….and explore the different possibilities that could have been conveyed.. ha ha… what the other ppl might have casually said/ or not said for that matter .. Should not be allowed to become …blown out of proportions so as to become the cause of a splitting headache…
Moral of the story.. I prefer plain talk!, complicated words and formality – make me uncomfortable… as it takes so much time for the meanings to get across loud and clear.
Personal action Plan:
I should avoid formal words and formal ppl .. as it has been concluded that formality of any kind gives me headache as it leads me to thinking about things that have no useful insights for me….i start thinking… like what they said , why they said.. and how it can be interpreted. … but no one except myself to confirm if what I might be thinking is true or not.. and all the blab la.. ha ha.. C’mon.. I have more important things in my life going that will not be so futile mental exercises as this.. right…
Avoidance is no cure.. you say…. but it will help me keep my sanity till the time I find a cure… ha ha..
Stop thinking on silly issues… look at the big picture.. and I am sure I am not so comprehendingly challenged that I don’t understand the meanings… its just that.. I might be resisting the reality.. but what ever it is … it is.. and a smart person is the one who can evaluate the situations critically… every day in the job offers new learning and pdp, personal skills are something that would be good for me to focus on…
I am going for a cookie company visit.. Thursday… so a full day will be gone.. I am doing fine.. but I have to go and seek out my own learnings.. and emerge as a better individual… and as a professional too. The more experience one can get.. the lesser chances of them flunking on a silly game of words…. I also had a first hand albeit a rather silly experience of trying to make a fool of someone.. to me it was like wasting someone’s time… and more importantly our own time… but it was their game.. I was an observer… but it was not a real issue…
Btw.. Mahi Ve from Fakhir has started playing on my jukebox… so I have started enjoying this song.. I really like it….
.. so sab sari gaali logon ki harkatein aur baatein.. bhool jao.. aur apne kaam mein dhayan do.. keep focused on your ultimate goals… cuz.. they are not far now.. and not unachievable too… do your best and leave the rest.. J
Always smile away the worries … there are better things in store for me and you :-)