Wednesday, May 31, 2006

pamela is leaving....

Do you know that loud funny girl around the corner?... with a cute lil dog scampring about her feet??...
She is Pamela.... my first american friend.
But she is leaving, graduation is a time for celebration, and partings. She called me yesterday ... " Hey, I have this intervu, on thurday and I have to pack and leave tomorrow. can you come help me pack? "
.. Sure! What are friends for?

I knew she was gonna go... but its gonna be so abrupt. i was not prepared for it. But... atleast she is just a phone call away... if nothing else. But coming to terms with the reality that... it takes a while for ... things just happen.. relations deepen.. and then all of a sudden, you have to see them go.

Over the span of a quarter century, I have a lot of friends, so many of them I don't have a clue where they are? whats happening with them. A while back, with all this namesdatabase thing I was able to look up from old school friends. But I am still looking for many of them.

I hope to be in touch with them all. .. Okay Pammy I am coming.... God the amount of stuff you have. ;-)

Moving and packing is a pain here.. more on that in one of my next blogs.. and "Dr Know it all" will give spl tips on that. Has been in moving business for last 2 years, with moving every 6 months on an avareage... bechaare ko abhi tak koi permanent place nahi mili..

Remind me to write the Baanke story too... it all starts there. Dec'04 .. actually the first move was in Aug'1998.. but these past year has seen some extensive moves..


Anonymous said...

This is nice, keep writing

Anonymous said...

"things just happen.. relations deepen.. and then all of a sudden, you have to see them go"
...i know the pain of parting away with friends..just being left with the sweet memories to cherish..silent tears in their memory..great hope to see them again...wishing luck for them..though getting busy in our lives but always a gap is felt..which can never be filled...never ever!
missing u all!