Thursday, October 25, 2007

Co - ordinates Change

As the year 2007 is coming close to an end, I have completed my 3 years of stay in the US of A...
Life has been strange... I denied myself the pleasure of certain experiences while i was a student - and as this much awaited end of that phase is here - I am stupidly missing certain things, actually am going to miss them.

I have had a very comfortable dwelling and wonderful friendships were forged here - and its almost time to say adieu. The countdown has begun, to take up the next assignment.
for the next 2 months I am jobless, unemployable person - so I shall be doing some volunteering work of my own - and hopefully will learn some house making, preschooler management skills in the coming days. I will also try to loose the thesis fat accumulated over the previous months and hopefully, my cousins will keep me running all around so that i won't have to torture the treadmill - God knows how much i hate the idea of a gym work out. I love working though. :-)

I am thinking of renewing my phone contract, but i am not sure if i really need it. I am feeling like taking a few days off, but simply can't afford to ... there is so much aftermath to clean up.

I keep making big promises to myself but hardly get around to executing them - and this is somthing I hope I change starting this day. Besides I need a 6 months accomodation in CT starting Jan08 - would appreciate if you guys can give me some pointers where to start besides the best way for commute....

rest for later...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U hv bn n wl b d Best!

email u sn abt t
