Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Visions and butterfly effect

The fact is, when conditions are right and your guidance is clear, only a slight modification in your attitude or intent can change the world around you.



“When you do what only you can do - instead of trying to do what other people can do - strange and wonderful things often magnify your vision. It’s as if the road rises up to meet you and circumstances flow together in a mysterious and elegant way, beyond the scope of your own, individual efforts.

There’s a scientific reason why this may be true. In the 1960s, U.S. meteorologist Edward Lorenz was modeling global weather patterns using the largest computers then available for his purpose. He found that the weather sytem was so permanently in a state of chaos, so inherently unpredictable, that if a monarch butterfly in Mexico were to suddenly flap its wings this way or that, the amplifying turbulence could destabilize weather in far-away places like Outer Mongolia.”  Chaos theorists have come to call this “The Butterfly Effect.”

-   Joan Borysenko and Gordon Dveirin put it, in Saying Yes to Change

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