Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Scratch on a Diamond... The short Story

Subject: The Scratch on a Diamond... The short Story

The Scratch on a Diamond

The story is told of a king who owned a valuable
diamond, one of the rarest
and most perfect in the world. One day the diamond
fell and a deep scratch
marred its face. The king summoned the best diamond
experts in the land to
correct the blemish, but they all agreed they could
remove the scratch without cutting away a good part of
the surface, thus
reducing the weight and value of the diamond.

Finally one expert appeared and assured him that he
could fix the diamond
without reducing its value. His confidence was
convincing and the king gave
the diamond to the man. In a few days, the artisan
returned the diamond to
the king, who was amazed to find that the ugly scratch
was gone, and in its
place a beautiful rose was etched. The former scratch
had become the stem of
an exquisite flower!

WE can turn the "scratches" on our souls into
something beautiful.

Thats why i always says "I am responsible. Although I
may not be able to
prevent the worst from happening, I am responsible for
my attitude toward
the inevitable misfortunes that darken life. Bad
things do happen; how I
respond to them defines my character and the quality
of my life. I can
choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the
gravity of my loss,
or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the
most precious gift I
have - life itself."

With Warm Regards...

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Anonymous said...


ws here again to read it and couldnt stop myself writing a comment!


Anonymous said...

Ya, I agree... its very good.