Thursday, June 05, 2014

Ego & change

The winds of change are blowing stronger this year than in all previous
years combined.

That sounds like hype, but it's what I experience, as I look at my own life,
and the lives of many people I've talked to. Change happens easier, with
less effort and struggle, than ever before.

From what I can tell, invisible energies are at play here, and they seem to
be increasing geometrically. Maybe it's a wave that's merely cresting - or
about to crest - and then the energies will subside. I don't know.

What I do know is that I'm milking this stuff for all it's worth while I can. And
I urge you to do the same.

Look, change doesn't mean you grow a third leg, or that you fall off into
some dark abyss, never to be seen or heard from again. Because the
demons ate you. No.

Change means the lesser parts of you fall away so you can become more
of who you really are. That's change!

Change means the misery and struggle and suffering subside. While the
joy and fun increase.

Change means you become more alive, more awake, more excited to be

Change means you get what your heart truly desires. Or, at least, you're
more likely to.

More than anything, change means you're more glad to be alive.

Gratitude increases change, and change increases gratitude. There's a
tsunami of change happening right now, and it's linked to gratitude. You
can fight it, you can ignore it, or you can say WTF and embrace it.

You can go with the flow and let it lift you to places you've never been before.
Many people are.

So how do you surf this wave?

Easy. You stop holding onto the beliefs of the past. You loosen your grip
on your beloved stories about how life is, and how YOUR life is. You get a
smidgen of humility and let it in: I'm not so special that change won't work
for me.

"Everybody else in the world can change, but not me. My situation is
special. I have it harder than everybody else."

Stop lying to yourself! Or, at least, start listening to the stories your ego is
pumping and pounding into your head every waking moment of your day.

Start listening to your own stories. Then, once you know what they are,
start standing up to them. Stop being bullied by your own ego. Don't let
that negative voice hide in the shadows. Bring its sorry ass out into the
light of day. Make it be accountable.

Look, you don't have to DO anything to surf this wave. Just stop hanging
onto the anchors that are currently drowning you. Just let go. Be more
fluid and flexible.

Lighten up and stop thinking 'the world revolves around my ego'.

Anyway, that's my two cents worth for the day.

All the best


Mark Ivar Myhre
The Guy Who Pisses Off Your Ego

PS - Your ego does NOT like change. It has its own plan for you. And I
can guarantee you, you're not going to like it.

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