Wednesday, April 30, 2014

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The Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib, Amritsar - India


English Translation:

Raag Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl, Third House: One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: O friend, such is the Dear Lord whom I have obtained. He does not leave me, and He always keeps me company. Meeting the Guru, night and day, I sing His Praises. ||1||Pause|| I met the Fascinating Lord, who has blessed me with all comforts; He does not leave me to go anywhere else. I have seen the mortals of many and various types, but they are not equal to even a hair of my Beloved. ||1|| His palace is so beautiful! His gate is so wonderful! The celestial melody of the sound current resounds there. Says Nanak, I enjoy eternal bliss; I have obtained a permanent place in the home of my Beloved. ||2||1||27||

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Punjabi Translation:

[Punjabi Translation]

Hindi Hukamnama:

[Hindi Translation]

Spanish Translation:

Dev Gandari, Mejl Guru Aryan, Quinto Canal Divino. Un Dios Creador del Universo, por la Gracia del Verdadero Guru Oh amigo, tal es la Naturaleza de mi Señor: nunca me abandona y me guarda siempre en Su Compañía. Así es que le canto siempre a Él y canto su Nombre a través del Bani de la Palabra del Guru. (1‑Pausa) Encontré a mi Bello Señor; me bendijo con Beatitud y no me soltó de la mano. (1) He visto millones de personas, pero ellos no valen ni un pelo de lo que Su Ser vale. Bello es Su Templo y Su Cuerpo dentro del cual resuena siempre la Sutil y Divina Melodía de la Palabra. Dice Nanak, aquél que se aferra a la Puerta del Señor vive siempre en Éxtasis. (2‑1‑27)

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