Friday, June 29, 2007

Mission accomplished!

I am feeling so free tonight! – why???  U aks me -  a mission accomplished! Sent in my paper submission!  After endless procrastination and delays I finally finished a long standing task… hoho.   It was a big boring task – that’s over now … aaaah!


This is the first time in months that perhaps I will go to bed with some satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment and worth. Jaaney kahan chaley gaye they  who din- …  finaly coming back.

So just  thought to scribble a little something before hitting the sack.


Thanks to paro dear for  sitting by myside and sharing the nonstop episodes of idian idol full of talented singers while I was typing like mad with my  dash glued to the chair and  eventually reviewing my doc, and helping with references formatting and insights on paper writing – I might not have finished it in time today without your help.


And how can I forget ‘U’, u know who u are …  u showed me a new direction, when I felt so lost and provided me hope when I had none left, instigated me to get going and here I am on the go …



- Nimrat

Which is better??

Need an answer -  


Being a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond. ….   Provided the fish might or might not have the capability to become any bigger.!


Which is a better option ??? 


A mid sized permanently confused fish ….

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Its a beautiful morning...


I know I know - its a beautiful morning. .. I always wanted to get up early in the morning to get some fresh air and include some work out in my routiene.
I have a research meeting with my guide today.. so had to hit the lab early today - and as I can never remember the bus timings and idiotically missed it, which turned into a blessing in disguise - as I had a deliciously refreshing early morning walk all over the campus to reach my destination. It was worth it.

My agenda today is to complete the revisons tonight. and work on the boring term paper. which is due next monday... and there an exam to prepare for.

Other things include reading up for the new topic - stresses n strains how interesting can all that be?? but I guess my passion and the ever increasing awe in the eyes of my listeners when i start droning on about my research topic is something that has kept me going. I want to see things to completion and ofcouse land a job in the industry ... hopefully soon with decent 5 figure income aswell.

Come to think of it - the company I interned with have 3 open positions with them at present - but the ugly cliche' being those positions are for the US RESIDENTS ONLY! additionally they proudly mention that they are and EOE company... is it?????????

Huh - so much for the good note I started on.. Anyways - i will survive cuz i have so far and i will - yes my dear (u say ) thats my girl! and thats the spirit.. keep it up bete'

signing off on a beautiful note this is a beautiful morning ...

till laters

- Nimrat

Ps: Since I tend to get very personal with my blog - as its kindof my diary - I am thinking going private on it - not sure as yet but, i am open to suggestions, may be provide ascess to a chosen few.. thinking out aloud - which is something I always do, those who know me must know this.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

my socio political public awerness needs some work



I had a wonderful talk with one of my blessed friends – it was so was so encouraging – I am renewed in thoughts n spirits.


Lief has to be good : - )

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I am Back! in the blog world...



I know, all of sudden I decided to leave the blog world – But yes I am back.....

I am eagerly waiting for the trip to San Antonio – life is good, if you try to look on the better picture and focus on things that would in some way facilitate growth and awareness.


I am planning to take up the hobby of reading once again.  


Rest later


- Nimrat

Test Message

1 2 3….


Testing ………..










This is just a test message




Monday, June 18, 2007


Nimrat, why ?

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Sunday, June 03, 2007


“Cherish your visions, cherish your ideals, cherish the music
that stirs within your heart, the beauty that forms in your
mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts for out
of them will grow all delightful conditions….. He(she) who
cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his (her) heart,
will one day realize it. The greatest achievement was at first
and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird
waits in the egg. Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so
shall you become.. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.”

from: - As a man thinketh

PS. I am all charged up and fresh now.
mood : upbeat, situation : same as before, attitude: damn care :-)

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