Congratulations you survived the Google May update.
BUT, are you ready for Google Core Vital Update which is set to come into force in early 2021?
The webmaster community is expecting this to be the biggest update that has happened in recent past and why not, Google is giving the world the rest of the year 2020 to prepare…
We are sharing some checkpoints for you to review the current state of your website:
- Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): The time it takes before you can read what you want to read.
- First Input Delay (FID): How quick and useful the website is while loading.
- Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): How many times the position of website elements change when loading.
- Mobile-Friendly: Is your website responsive.
- Safe browsing: The page doesn’t contain malicious or deceptive content.
- HTTPS: The page is served over HTTPS.
- No intrusive interstitials: The content on the page is easily accessible to the user.
If answer to any of the above is a NO, do not waste time. Get your website evaluated NOW!
We offer PAY FOR PERFORMNACE service, and we are constantly working in our labs to find new ways to optimize websites and bring measurable results for our clients. With 3000+ happy clients and over 15 years of experience we are helping people get more than 100%+ improvement in their business.
It’s time to talk and hold the bull by the horn…
Warm Regards,
Daisy Williams
Marketing Manager
Head Office: San Jose, CA 95120
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