Happy Birthday!
My blog has completed a full year, even though not much of an audience it gathered and neither have I spent much time on unleashing the creative talents here (which i believe i have) . But its time to celebrate, as this has been one the active ongoing ventures - and not end up like some fizzled out project.
I will try to be more regular in posting my musings here, but perhaps there will be a distinct shift in my writings here from now... They will be focused on different themes and will be more colorful and on varied topics. - do i sound repetetive? well promises promises .. hehe
so what would my blog like as a birthday present? Quality writings and audience critique may be...
The past year has been one of many, full of ups n down, from rags to riches - back to a slum , been through hell and worse, emotional and otherwise had a decent share of good time, fun and laughter that made life worth living - enjoyed those moments thouroughy and cherish them. Found friends and refound them.
shifted paradigms - learnt and experienced a bit more of the life, finally going to visit home.
Spiced up my life a bit - became more social than before with reservations though, still need to tread into the social grace sector - experience will get me there, need to start really listening and observing dealing with the reality rather than the dream world of my wavering imagination. Life is a constant learning process. I promise to pay more attention to a few things and need to learn to ignore a few and keep my cool.
on the whole its been a good year and hope and wish for the trend to continue in the years to come.
Happy Bday dear blog! May the coming years be productive, fruitful and eternally blessed .... with so much interesting stuff to pour out here!
so what would my blog like as a birthday present? Quality writings and audience critique may be...
The past year has been one of many, full of ups n down, from rags to riches - back to a slum , been through hell and worse, emotional and otherwise had a decent share of good time, fun and laughter that made life worth living - enjoyed those moments thouroughy and cherish them. Found friends and refound them.
shifted paradigms - learnt and experienced a bit more of the life, finally going to visit home.
Spiced up my life a bit - became more social than before with reservations though, still need to tread into the social grace sector - experience will get me there, need to start really listening and observing dealing with the reality rather than the dream world of my wavering imagination. Life is a constant learning process. I promise to pay more attention to a few things and need to learn to ignore a few and keep my cool.
on the whole its been a good year and hope and wish for the trend to continue in the years to come.
Happy Bday dear blog! May the coming years be productive, fruitful and eternally blessed .... with so much interesting stuff to pour out here!
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