Thursday, January 11, 2007


If I could catch a rainbow, I would do it, just for you,
And, share with you, its beauty, on the days you're feeling blue.

If I could, I would build a mountain, you could call your very own.
A place to find serenity, a place just to be alone.

And if I could turn back time we could all have avoided this pain and hurt,

I am to blame as I am the eldest and the responsibility for sanity lies on me.

If there had been open talk, things might have been different,

If I could, I would take away the misery n the pain due to this confusion.

If I could, I would take your troubles, and toss them into the sea.
But, all these things, I'm finding, are impossible for me.

I cannot build a mountain, or catch a rainbow fair;
but, let me be, what I know best,
A Friend, who's there.

I promise to defend you, should the occasion ever rise,
And, I promise to wipe away the tears,
which might stream from your weeping eyes.

Let me be the Friend, the one that you know best.
I will never leave you, on that, you can surely rest

If only you would talk and help me clear things up...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


You say that an emotion is the mind's reflection in the body. But sometimes there is a conflict between the two: the mind says "no" while the emotion says "yes," or the other way around.

If you really want to know your mind, the body will always give you a truthful reflection, so look at the emotion or rather feel it in your body. If there is an apparent conflict between them, the thought will be the lie, the emotion will be the truth. Not the ultimate truth of who you are, but the relative truth of your state of mind at that time.

Conflict between surface thoughts and unconscious mental processes is certainly common. You may not yet be able to bring your unconscious mind activity into awareness as thoughts, but it will always be reflected in the body as an emotion, and of this you can become aware. To watch an emotion in this way is basically the same as listening to or watching a thought, which I described earlier. The only difference is that, while a thought is in your head, an emotion has a strong physical component and so is primarily felt in the body. You can then allow the emotion to be there without being controlled by it. You no longer are the emotion; you are the watcher, the observing presence. If you practice this, all that is unconscious in you will be brought into the light of consciousness.

- from the book, @ Elkhart