I dont really know how it happened, but I have been super stressed lately, I mean I know the official definition of stress or what are the symptoms. I have experienced the lowest stage... the frustration. I have been overwhelmed with my research. But well you all know this already.
Big deal, but i was just wondering... what kind of person am I who is ready and willing to open up and pour my hear out to any willing listener... its all about .. meri life ki sorry story... aur I am really tired and bored of this sorry phase. I wish it gets over soon.
Some changes have to be put in effect... hey listen to this... To achieve something you've never achieved before, you must become someone you've never been before. -Bria Tracy
and then To the question of your life you are the answer, and to the problems of your life you are the solution. -Joe Cordare
so seeking solutions... has been keeping me busy... I havent found any yet. But I am more aware of what isnt working for me.
I have been under a self imposed exile... shunned all contact from the outside world, except a few ppl... and they have been at the recieving end of all the unwanted attention and had to share my blues... well should not forget to mention my family... who have been there all along...
I have been feeling truly hopeless, clueless, miserable, distressed.... yukkky... frustrated... but to hell with all of this. I have to learn to live with it and accept it try to change .
Dell Customer Advocate, Todd:- deserves a spl mention as his comment on my Dell experience entry initiated a dialogue, which has resulted in my laptop getting new external look this new year. Thank you !
Till laters
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Thursday, December 28, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006

To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease, and lightness. This state is then no longer dependent upon things being in a certain way, good or bad. It seems almost paradoxical, yet when your inner dependency on form is gone, the general conditions of your life, the outer forms, tend to improve greatly. Things, people, or conditions that you thought you needed for your happiness now come to you with no struggle or effort on your part, and you are free to enjoy and appreciate them - while they last. All those things, of course, will still pass away, cycles will come and go, but with dependency gone there is no fear of loss anymore. Life flows with ease.
-Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now
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Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Today is 5th n my 85th post...
Only 20 days to christmas, need to seek the new years resolutions...
every year i used to make them religiously and break them with equal zeal.
but this year i wish things to be different... i have successfully completed so many years of life, experienced numerous joys sorrows, failures and a few successes as well.
Over all I don't know why, i still termed my life as successful so far.. may be cuz i am in an optimistic mode today after a long time..
Met P today, see even though i couldn't satify him but still mood is not off.. it has been influenced by his mood... cuz he didn't give me a hard time.. i feel motivated again... yes I can do it.. and i will do it.. its just talking its own sweet time.. but I will get it done!
I am shooting for the year end as my deadline.. lets c
I also realized how our behavious affects the other ppl's actions and motivations too at times... may be that is why they say man is a social animal. its really interesting how, a few sec's exchange with unknown ppl lifts up the mood .. and at times some folks simply make you see red.. is it all about the vibes ? or is there a pattern somewhere... would like to reasearch on it sometime... may be we can develop an mathematical probabalistic model as well.. one of the reason that got me interested in Biostatistics.. but PhD..? .. I don't want to study for exams anymore.. i just want to work on stuff I like.. he he
any comments?
aap ki Nimmo
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every year i used to make them religiously and break them with equal zeal.
but this year i wish things to be different... i have successfully completed so many years of life, experienced numerous joys sorrows, failures and a few successes as well.
Over all I don't know why, i still termed my life as successful so far.. may be cuz i am in an optimistic mode today after a long time..
Met P today, see even though i couldn't satify him but still mood is not off.. it has been influenced by his mood... cuz he didn't give me a hard time.. i feel motivated again... yes I can do it.. and i will do it.. its just talking its own sweet time.. but I will get it done!
I am shooting for the year end as my deadline.. lets c
I also realized how our behavious affects the other ppl's actions and motivations too at times... may be that is why they say man is a social animal. its really interesting how, a few sec's exchange with unknown ppl lifts up the mood .. and at times some folks simply make you see red.. is it all about the vibes ? or is there a pattern somewhere... would like to reasearch on it sometime... may be we can develop an mathematical probabalistic model as well.. one of the reason that got me interested in Biostatistics.. but PhD..? .. I don't want to study for exams anymore.. i just want to work on stuff I like.. he he
any comments?
aap ki Nimmo
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my 84th post
I just felt like blogging, even though there was nothing much to share today.
Just had a random thought how the things in life and our conversations go at times... its so strange that an hour or more of conversation will not do much to lift the spirits, but even 3 words in a mail have the power to tranform the day into a bunch of smiles :-) and can provide a huge rush of adrenaline in the system and setting you up on an emotional high.
Just a thought, i felt like sharing.
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Just had a random thought how the things in life and our conversations go at times... its so strange that an hour or more of conversation will not do much to lift the spirits, but even 3 words in a mail have the power to tranform the day into a bunch of smiles :-) and can provide a huge rush of adrenaline in the system and setting you up on an emotional high.
Just a thought, i felt like sharing.
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